How can I benefit from "natural" learning?

How can I benefit from "natural" learning?

Mastering the language of communication is a natural skill. Knowledge comes from sources that our brain is naturally tuned to. For instance, our primary natural source of language comes from our ability to hear. Our brain learns by listening. If this source is limited or not used at all, we can’t learn effectively. Those who are born deaf – will never learn to speak normally, even though their speech organs are absolutely fine.  

Natural learning makes it possible to start speaking the language at a minimum level of proficiency. Language is always used in context to achieve specific goals. Knowledge is honed and replenished depending on the effectiveness of the result achieved. 

Natural learning does not consist of those methods that are usually associated with creating a so-called “language barrier”, which starts blocking natural language acquisition and affects the ability to use the knowledge we have.

At REXOFORD we support natural learning and use brain-friendly techniques to benefit from both our natural and analytical abilities to learn.

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